Sending email from ASP.Net

Sending E-mails from ASP.Net

Step 1: Place the following in your web.config file, making sure to replace the username and password fields with a valid inbox created from within the control panel:

<!-- Add the email settings to the <system. net> element -->
               <network host="relayServerHostname" port="portNumber" userName="username" password="password" />

Step 2: From within the page, use the code below replacing the from, to, subject, and body fields:

Dim mm As New MailMessage()
mm.From = New MailAddress("", "John Doe")
mm.To.Add(New MailAddress(""))
mm.To.Add(New MailAddress(""))
mm.Subject = "Subject line"
mm.Body = "This is the can include html tags for formatting"
mm.IsBodyHtml = True
Dim smtp As New SmtpClient

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