
 How Do I FTP my website up to HostworX Servers with WSFTPPro

To upload your Website files using WS FTP Pro :   Please open the WS FTP program from your...

 How to create or update an FTP Account

How to create an FTP Account in SolidCp Login into SolidCP by going to...

 How to install Wordpress with the gallery on our servers Step-By-Step

Installing wordpress on our servers is really fast and convenient, unfortunately microsoft has...

 How to install a SSL Certificate on your website

  1) Login to the SolidCp control panel http://cp.yourowndomainname or...

 Hows to update limits in php on our servers

To edit the server default settings for Wordpress and Joomla requirements as well as other php...

 Starting to send out bulk emails

Welcome to the bulk mail system, this document will take you through the first steps you need to...

 Wordpress - Installing on our servers

Installing wordpress on our servers is really fast and convenient, unfortunately microsoft has...

 Wordpress - Migrating between sites, servers and folders

Wordpress saves certain parameters in the database which need to be modified if you move your...